In “Complete Deliverance (Part Two),” Apostle Joshua Selman builds upon the foundations laid in the first part of this powerful teaching series, diving deeper into the principles of deliverance and how believers can maintain their spiritual freedom. The second part of this teaching is centered on understanding the root causes of spiritual bondage, the process of permanent deliverance, and the necessary steps to ensure that one remains free from the forces of darkness. This message also addresses the importance of spiritual fortification and the believer’s role in sustaining deliverance.
The Nature of Spiritual Bondage
Apostle Selman begins by reminding the congregation that deliverance is a critical aspect of Christian living. He explains that while salvation brings us into the kingdom of God, many believers still struggle with various forms of bondage—spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental. These forms of oppression hinder them from experiencing the fullness of God’s promises.
He underscores the fact that spiritual bondage is often tied to spiritual legalities, rights, and covenants. Using Ephesians 4:27—“Neither give place to the devil”—Apostle Selman teaches that certain doors in a believer’s life, either through sin, disobedience, or ignorance, can allow the enemy to exert control. He emphasizes that many bondages are rooted in spiritual transactions, ancestral covenants, personal iniquities, or even territorial strongholds. Understanding the origin of these bondages is key to breaking free from them permanently.
Key Causes of Bondage
Apostle Selman highlights several critical causes of spiritual bondage that believers must be aware of:
- Ancestral Covenants and Generational Curses: Many believers are unknowingly bound by covenants made by their ancestors with demonic powers. These covenants can manifest as generational curses—patterns of failure, poverty, sickness, or untimely death. These spiritual agreements, made by previous generations, must be addressed and broken through the power of Christ.
- Personal Sin and Iniquity: Personal sins, particularly those that involve idolatry, sexual immorality, or occult practices, can open doors to demonic influence. Apostle Selman warns that willful disobedience to God’s Word creates legal grounds for the enemy to oppress believers. He references 1 John 1:9, which emphasizes the importance of confession and repentance for cleansing and restoration.
- Demonic Oppression and Attacks: Apostle Selman explains that demonic oppression can come from various sources, including witchcraft, spells, and spiritual attacks. Demons seek to influence believers’ lives by imposing sickness, mental oppression, or cycles of misfortune. Spiritual warfare and discernment are crucial to overcoming such attacks.
- Emotional and Mental Bondages: Unforgiveness, bitterness, trauma, and negative emotions are often overlooked as entry points for the enemy. Apostle Selman stresses the importance of emotional healing in the deliverance process, as many believers are spiritually free but emotionally bound. He teaches that releasing forgiveness and allowing God to heal emotional wounds are essential steps in walking in total freedom.
- Ignorance: Lack of knowledge is one of the primary reasons why believers remain in bondage. Quoting Hosea 4:6 again—”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”—Apostle Selman urges believers to seek understanding through the Word of God and sound spiritual teaching. Ignorance gives the enemy a foothold, while knowledge of God’s truth sets us free.
The Process of Complete Deliverance
In this segment, Apostle Selman outlines the practical steps for achieving complete and lasting deliverance:
- Repentance and Renunciation: True deliverance begins with heartfelt repentance. Apostle Selman explains that repentance is more than saying “sorry”; it involves a genuine turning away from sin and renouncing every covenant, habit, or association that gave the enemy a foothold. Renunciation is necessary to break every legal right the enemy may have over one’s life.
- Confession of God’s Word: Deliverance is sustained through the power of confession. The Word of God is a weapon of warfare that dismantles strongholds and breaks the lies of the enemy. Apostle Selman encourages believers to consistently declare Scriptures related to their identity in Christ, freedom from sin, and victory over the enemy. Using Hebrews 4:12, he emphasizes that the Word of God is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword.
- Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Apostle Selman emphasizes that deliverance is often a result of engaging in spiritual warfare. Using Ephesians 6:12—”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers…”—he teaches that believers must engage in warfare prayers, using the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and the Word of God to break demonic oppression and territorial strongholds. Persistent prayer and fasting are often necessary to gain total victory.
- The Power of the Blood of Jesus: The blood of Jesus is central to the deliverance process. Apostle Selman explains that the blood of Jesus not only redeems us but also serves as a weapon against the enemy. He references Revelation 12:11—“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony”—explaining that applying the blood through prayer breaks the legal grounds that demonic forces may have over a believer’s life.
- Anointed Ministry and Counsel: Deliverance is sometimes facilitated through anointed ministers and leaders who operate under the authority of Christ. Apostle Selman advises believers who feel overwhelmed by certain bondages to seek help from spiritual leaders who can provide counsel, guidance, and minister deliverance under the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Importance of Spiritual Fortification
A critical part of this teaching focuses on how to maintain deliverance once it has been received. Apostle Selman stresses that it is one thing to experience deliverance, but it’s another to sustain it. He explains that after deliverance, the enemy often seeks to return with more severe attacks if the believer is not fortified spiritually.
- Renewal of the Mind: Apostle Selman teaches that the mind must be renewed with the Word of God daily. Without the renewal of the mind, old thought patterns and behaviors will continue to open doors for the enemy. Romans 12:2 is a foundational Scripture in this aspect of deliverance, calling believers to transformation through the renewing of their minds.
- Fellowship with the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is essential in maintaining freedom. Apostle Selman explains that intimacy with the Holy Spirit enables believers to walk in discernment, power, and continuous victory. The more a believer fellowships with the Holy Spirit, the more difficult it becomes for the enemy to regain access.
- Guarding Spiritual Gates: Deliverance requires the believer to be vigilant about what they allow into their lives. Apostle Selman explains that the gates of a person’s life—such as the eyes, ears, and heart—must be guarded against spiritual contamination. He urges believers to avoid exposing themselves to sinful influences, toxic relationships, and demonic media that can reopen doors for spiritual attacks.
- Living a Life of Prayer and Fasting: Regular prayer and fasting fortify the spirit and keep the believer in a state of readiness. Apostle Selman emphasizes the need for a disciplined prayer life, explaining that the enemy does not relent, and neither should the believer. Jesus’ words in Mark 9:29—“This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting”—are a reminder that spiritual victories are often sustained through a life of consistent prayer and fasting.
- Obedience to God’s Word: Finally, Apostle Selman stresses the importance of living a life of obedience to the Word of God. Disobedience opens doors for demonic attack, while obedience fortifies the believer and ensures continued protection. He reminds believers that God’s instructions are for their benefit, and walking in obedience ensures that they remain in alignment with God’s will and under His covering.
Conclusion: Walking in Lasting Freedom
In concluding Part Two of “Complete Deliverance,” Apostle Selman emphasizes that deliverance is a process that requires partnership with God. While Jesus has already secured victory over Satan and his kingdom, believers must actively engage with the truths of God’s Word, pursue spiritual growth, and be intentional about walking in righteousness. Deliverance is not just about freedom from demons; it is about living a victorious life in Christ, free from the control of sin, fear, and oppression.
He calls on believers to take responsibility for their spiritual lives, warning that the absence of spiritual vigilance can lead to a return of bondage. However, with consistent prayer, the renewal of the mind, and total reliance on the Holy Spirit, believers can walk in lasting freedom and experience the fullness of their destiny in Christ.